Rebranding Project [2024] Created at Ana Couto
Fundada em 1940, PUC-Rio é uma das principais instituições de ensino superior do Brasil. Berço de grandes projetos e casa de personalidades influentes, a universidade tem um legado excepcional, mas que vinha sendo desafiado. Nos últimos anos, a educação superior tem perdido tração no país devido a desafios econômicos da população, bem como a novos modelos de ensino e trabalho que não valorizam o diploma. Diante deste cenário, foi preciso resgatar as fortalezas de PUC-Rio e ressignifica-las em um novo posicionamento que conseguisse: respeitar seu legado, reforçar seu caráter comunitário e filantrópico, além de atrair novos alunos e dialogar com a cidade do Rio de Janeiro como um todo.
Founded in 1940, PUC-Rio is one of Brazil's leading higher education institutions. The birthplace of major projects and home to influential personalities, the university has an exceptional legacy, though it has been facing challenges. In recent years, higher education in the country has been losing traction due to the population's economic difficulties, as well as new models of teaching and work that do not value a diploma. In light of this scenario, it was necessary to reclaim PUC-Rio's strengths and redefine them in a new positioning that could: respect its legacy, reinforce its community and philanthropic character, as well as attract new students and engage with the city of Rio de Janeiro as a whole.
Founded in 1940, PUC-Rio is one of Brazil's leading higher education institutions. The birthplace of major projects and home to influential personalities, the university has an exceptional legacy, though it has been facing challenges. In recent years, higher education in the country has been losing traction due to the population's economic difficulties, as well as new models of teaching and work that do not value a diploma. In light of this scenario, it was necessary to reclaim PUC-Rio's strengths and redefine them in a new positioning that could: respect its legacy, reinforce its community and philanthropic character, as well as attract new students and engage with the city of Rio de Janeiro as a whole.
Após uma minuciosa atualização do escudo feita internamente pela equipe da Puc-Rio, surgiu a necessidade de criar um universo visual que dialogasse com a tradição e reputação da universidade, ao mesmo tempo em que refletisse a leveza e jovialidade do espírito carioca. As asas e a inscrição "Alis Graves Nil" (do latim: "com asas, nada é pesado") presentes no escudo foram o ponto de partida para esse novo universo visual. A partir do movimento simétrico e arqueado encontrado no listel, desenvolvemos uma série de grafismos que evocam as asas e o movimento do voo. Esses grafismos, quando repetidos, conferem ritmo e dinamismo à linguagem visual. A paleta de cores foi cuidadosamente criada combinando os tons reinterpretados do escudo com as cores dos quatro centros estudantis e suas respectivas faixas de formatura. O resultado é uma paleta diversificada, vibrante e versátil. As fotografias da Puc-Rio retratam o campus como um lugar vivo e acolhedor, mostrando toda a comunidade envolvida na universidade, o aprendizado prático e a realização pessoal de cada indivíduo. Cada elemento do universo visual foi pensado para ser usado de forma flexível. Desde uma linguagem mais institucional, com o brasão expandido e cores oficiais, até uma abordagem mais dinâmica, com grafismos e cores vibrantes, perfeitas para comunicação, campanhas e redes sociais.
After a thorough update of the crest conducted internally by the PUC-Rio team, the need arose to create a visual universe that resonated with the university's tradition and reputation while also reflecting the lightness and youthfulness of the carioca spirit. The wings and the inscription "Alis Graves Nil" (Latin for "with wings, nothing is heavy") present on the crest were the starting point for this new visual universe. From the symmetrical and arched movement found in the scroll, we developed a series of graphics that evoke wings and the motion of flight. When repeated, these graphics impart rhythm and dynamism to the visual language. The color palette was carefully crafted by combining the reinterpreted tones of the crest with the colors of the four student centers and their respective graduation sashes. The result is a diverse, vibrant, and versatile palette. Photographs of PUC-Rio depict the campus as a lively and welcoming place, showcasing the entire community involved in the university, practical learning, and each individual's personal fulfillment. Every element of the visual universe was designed to be used flexibly, ranging from a more institutional language, with the expanded crest and official colors, to a more dynamic approach, with graphics and vibrant colors, perfect for communication, campaigns, and social media.
After a thorough update of the crest conducted internally by the PUC-Rio team, the need arose to create a visual universe that resonated with the university's tradition and reputation while also reflecting the lightness and youthfulness of the carioca spirit. The wings and the inscription "Alis Graves Nil" (Latin for "with wings, nothing is heavy") present on the crest were the starting point for this new visual universe. From the symmetrical and arched movement found in the scroll, we developed a series of graphics that evoke wings and the motion of flight. When repeated, these graphics impart rhythm and dynamism to the visual language. The color palette was carefully crafted by combining the reinterpreted tones of the crest with the colors of the four student centers and their respective graduation sashes. The result is a diverse, vibrant, and versatile palette. Photographs of PUC-Rio depict the campus as a lively and welcoming place, showcasing the entire community involved in the university, practical learning, and each individual's personal fulfillment. Every element of the visual universe was designed to be used flexibly, ranging from a more institutional language, with the expanded crest and official colors, to a more dynamic approach, with graphics and vibrant colors, perfect for communication, campaigns, and social media.
Ana Couto
Ana Couto – Consultora Estratégica
Erika Pinheiro – Sócia e Diretora de Marca
Hugo Rafael – Sócio e VP de Estratégia
Gabriel Fernandes – Estrategista de Marca
Cecilia Lombardi – Head de UX e Estrategista de Marca
Rafael Torres – Sócio e Diretor de Design
João Costa – Designer
Amanda Cinelli – Conteúdo
Danilo Jesus – Atendimento e Gerente de Projeto
Rosana Gonçales – Produção
Vinicius Amorim – Motion Case
Melissa Toledo – UI
Ricardo Pereira – UI
Erika Pinheiro – Sócia e Diretora de Marca
Hugo Rafael – Sócio e VP de Estratégia
Gabriel Fernandes – Estrategista de Marca
Cecilia Lombardi – Head de UX e Estrategista de Marca
Rafael Torres – Sócio e Diretor de Design
João Costa – Designer
Amanda Cinelli – Conteúdo
Danilo Jesus – Atendimento e Gerente de Projeto
Rosana Gonçales – Produção
Vinicius Amorim – Motion Case
Melissa Toledo – UI
Ricardo Pereira – UI